Gatehouse Unlocked! New Raider System!
We have unlocked Gatehouse in Dragon Guard! Thank you for everyone who sacrificed their rings to make this possible.
And most importantly, Congrats and a big THANK YOU to RocknRockn our second Sentinel!
In view of the major upgrades being completed in the kingdom, the council have listened and agreed that the emphasis should be on building our bases - not forgetting contribution to the kingdom at the same time whenever you have spare gold to spare (save rings for upgrades). Raider requirement has been lowered to 11k loyalty and rotated on needs / online basis (just like before). Priority will be given to those with higher loyalty.
Below are screenshots of those eligible (excluding lords/ladies/king) as of date of this post:
List of currently eligible raiders
1) Yahsa11699
2) darkdragon78
3) Billy
4) Keroro
5) Alecafe1
7) Chained
8) Hhdstf
9) andre30xraya
10) MadFkrMike
11) acey
12) Rain
Please do ask for raider on when you have bs and ready to spend them - and do indicate raider off if you are going offline / used up your battlestones. Lords/Ladies/King will be around most of the time, if not do alert us in LINE - another reason to join us on LINE!
This initiative is to help us all build our bases up and be stronger for more battles in Claymore! The benchmark of 11k is set to encourage collective contributions, and it's a manageable amount to maintain while upgrading bases. If you cross 11k per week on leaderboards (even if your name isn't here) - do inform lords/king and we will rotate you in for raider as well.
Donations can go to Tavern / Royal Mint / Council Hall, and to try not to donate to Portal/Farm for now.
We are in the talks with some other kingdoms to bring in new blood to DG and plans for TK. We will update as soon as plans are firmed up.
Meanwhile, continue to participate in KR and let's keep on winning!