Game Update (Patch Notes) 29 June 2015
Art and User Experience New visual effects added to Defeated and Epic Victory screens New avatars added (2 male avatars) Ancient Shrine...
Winter's Bane Event (29 June till 19 July)
The Banemaw event will start on Monday 29th June, and will run for 3 weeks Week 1: Mon 29 June - Sun 5 July Week 2: Mon 6 July - Sun 12...
Arena Mode (Replacing Guardian Mode)
Starting 29th June, The Arena will be replacing Guardian Mode. Once you reach 5,000 honor, you'll be given the option to join The Arena. ...
Using Dragons to Distract Spell Towers
Using dragons to distract spell towers (especially Ice and Death towers) is an alternative way to assist your attack. Sweeping across...
Game Update (Patch Notes) 22 June 2015
New kingdom league after Axe League called the Claymore League Claymore League Rewards 1st - 800 Rings 2nd - 600 Rings 3rd - 600 Rings +...
Troop Spotlight: Primus Mage
Primus Mage draw power from its Primus. Very powerful, so don’t get on their bad side. Primus Mage Specialty – Curse buildings making...
Troop Spotlight: Raider
Raiders have a great love for gold. Also, they are pretty strong folk. Raiders Specialty – Prioritize gold production buildings. If they...
Troop Spotlight: Paladin
Paladins are very useful on the battlefield. Use them right and walk away victorious. Paladins Specialty – Nearby allies get passive...
Troop Spotlight: Mauler
Maulers are very powerful units which can turn the tide of battle. Maulers Specialty – Wall damage bonus 300% Health: 200 Damage per...
Troop Spotlight: Mana Hunter
They are your main troops for getting mana. Pretty powerful speedy flying troops. Mana Hunters Specialty – Destruction mana bonus +1...